A Crossroad

A Crossroad

Josh. 24:1 ¶ And Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and called for the elders of Israel, and for their heads, and for their judges, and for their officers; and they presented themselves before God.

Joshua 24:14-15

I. Request (14-15)

A. Other gods (15)
B. The Lord (14)

i. Sincerity "in sincerity" ii. Scripturally "and in truth" - follow and obey the Word of God! iii. Separated "put away the gods..."

C. Choice (15)

II. Reason (1-13)

A. History

i. Terah served other gods... Call (2) ii. Blessing of Isaac (miracle child) (3) iii. Nation increased 12 children of Jacob (tribes), Egypt (4) iv. Plagues of Egypt (5) v. Red Sea & wilderness wanderings (6-7) vi. Conquest of Amorites (8) vii. Deliverance from Moab (Balaam) (9-10) viii. Conquest of the land (11-13) 13*

B. God's Blessing! involvement
C. Where would you be without God???
D. Where would our country be without God???

III. Requirement (23-25)

A. Commit (16-18)
B. Cleanse (23) "Put away"
C. Comply (23) "Incline your heart"